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Home Repair

Late this afternoon, we discovered that we had no hot water in the house. A little investigation showed that the pilot light on the water heater was out.

I followed the Manufacturer's Procedure For Lighting the Pilot and it didn't stay lit. The owner's manual basically tells you to call a serviceman if The Procedure Doesn't Work. Give me a break.

After about five minutes online research, I ran over to Home Depot and picked up a replacement thermocouple for five dollars. It took me all of ten minutes to install. I shudder to think what a plumber would have charged me for this service.

In other news, Katy seems to have fixed a leak in our roof. Apparently when I was putting up the DirecTV dish last fall I broke some tiles loose from the flashing around our chimney, and water was getting in that way. Katy found the problem, got some roofing sealant and took care of it.

Many of my friends have been amazed that she fixed it. It's not like you need a Y chromosome to climb out a window, folks.


And to think, I was about to let loose that you hadn't told the story of Katy fixing the roof yet were bragging about your own accomplishments. Glad your hot water problem was less of an ordeal than my hot water problem last year.

It was easier to deal with than our last water heater crisis - when the lining cracked on a Friday afternoon, and we weren't able to get a warranty replacement until Tuesday.

Cold shower, anyone?

Gee, you should be really happy that Katy even tried to fix it. I am impressed with you both. As for the water heater business, I wish you could be my service person. My toilet inner workings failed today, so I am waiting to hear from a plumber. Yech.

Are you kidding? I'm thrilled she fixed it.

One less thing to worry about!

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