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I Keep Forgetting to Mention This

There's a guy on the afternoon train that rides a Segway.

That's right, folks. Not only have I ridden a Segway and seen one crashed, I have had a Legitimate Real World Segway Sighting. Ha!

Mar 12 Update: Here's a picture of me riding one. Note that it is all in one piece.

I didn't wreck mine.


I clicked on the link you were kind enuff to proved to the Segway site. I read the three 'Personal Stories' entries contained therein. Ok. I get that this is a cool idea, it's friendlier to the environment than my petrol-powered monster of a vehicle, etc., etc., ad nauseum... Here's an example of what I don't get: "The Segway HT is easier to use for trips to the grocery store or the cleaners, in which transporting a load is required". How, exactly, does one "transport a load" while riding a Segway? Does it come with a trailer hitch and utility cart? I can just picture juggling grocery bags and/or dry cleaning while trying to steer this thing. What am I missing here?


Great, assuming I go to the grocery store every day in order to keep the size of the load down to one backpack's worth. Unless, of course, you're suggesting a backpack the size of a shopping cart. That might present some balance issues, no?

If you ask me, you aren't missing much. I think you can put saddlebags on it - the USPS was testing them with mail carriers - but I don't think they are designed to carry much more than you would carry walking or on a bike.

Come to think of it, when they came and showed them at our New Tech seminar, they did show a video with a trailer-equipped Segway. But it was for warehouse use, not big-time grocery shopping.

I am reminded of Steve Jobs' quote about Segways - that "they will revolutionize the way cities are designed." Quel? I mean, they're neat but let's get real here.

I guess when you're the head of a big cult you get access to some pretty good drugs.

It may be a novel way to get around, but not
for carrying much. Looks pretty clunky to me.
Was it fun?

What does he do with it? Does he carry it
on the train with him or is there a secure
place to store it. They aren't exactly
cheap. There probably aren't any second
hand ones yet.

It was fun to ride. Forward and backward movement is controlled by leaning. There is a throttle-like on one of the handles for turning left and right. It's pretty sensitive - it almost seemed like you were thinking "go forward" more than you were actually leaning.

I'm not sure about storage on the train - I've only seen him getting off with it, and at that point he's standing by the door with it.

I would guess that you are right about the used Segway market.

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» Grand Theft Segway from Thompsonian
I know a couple of people that have ridden (piloted?) a segway, but are they really nice enough to steal?... [Read More]