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Five Beers and Two Bags of Chips

I had a poker game Friday night.

A good time was had by all, and I managed to squeeze $6 out of my guests in spite of a bad lay-down on my part on the last hand of the night.

However, I did not discover my real killing until later, when I was cleaning up. I had started the night with 12 beers, a bag of tortilla chips, and a crock pot full of a concoction lovingly known as "Dog Food Dip."

After many hours of pitched battle and heavy consumption, I discovered that a veritable cornucopia remained: 14 beers, three and a half bags of chips, most of a bag of Hershey's Miniatures, a large tub of mixed nuts, and a bottle of Crown Royal.

How about that?


WHAT is dog food dip?

Is it anything like Bird Pudding?

Har har.

Dog Food Dip consists of ground beef, Velveeta, refried beans, and picante sauce. Generally served warm, with tortilla chips.


What would you call that concoction with quacamole and sour cream added? There's a restaurant in Dallas that serves it...but its not on the menu, you have to know to ask for it. Yummy!

Ummm - Regurgitated Dog Food Dip?

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