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I am an Ungrateful Wretch

Hello everybody. I am an ungrateful wretch.

A couple weeks ago, gesikah at Life With A Geek made a link button to my site.

Here's the button:

I think it's pretty cool that she went to the trouble to make a little graphic for me. But did I thank her here? Did I acknowledge the effort? Did I mention it in my own weblog? Did I link back to her?

Sadly, the answer to those questions is a resounding no. What an ungrateful wretch I am. I will try to do better, though.


That button is pretty slick. She does good work.

AWWWWWWWWW! That is sooo sweet! Well, you are very welcome, but there was no need for a big fuss. Just a housewife with too much time on her hands. :-) Besides, it has kinda become my thing, I made Martin one a while back too (http://www.chokersandwich.com/archives/000483.html#000483). :-)

Omigosh! Another blog to read! and I don't even know this person!

But Brad, if you find them interesting and they are friends of yours you feel worthy of mentioning, they've gotta be OK...

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