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Christmas Letters

This time of year we get lots of newsy letters tucked in with cards from friends and family. I'm sure you do, too.

I would like to discuss one of my pet peeves about these letters.

Most of these letters are written in the third person. You know what I mean: "Mary was pregnant this year, and had a good visit with her cousin Elizabeth. Joseph's carpentry business was very busy, what with all the new developments going up in East Nazareth. Our newest family member, little Jesus, enjoyed a nice trip to Egypt after an inauspicious beginning in a stable."

My question is, who wrote the letter? It's as if a stalker followed your family around all year, noting their accomplishments and typing them up on festive paper.

I say, if you write your family's Holiday Letter, you should write in the first person. It will sound more natural, and be more of a real letter. Don't hide behind the third person - what, are you Rickey Henderson or something?


ROFLMAO!!!!! So true!!!!!

Dean must admit that he's been guilty of that once or twice.

At least once it was justified since the layout was more of a two column newsletter than a letter.

Dean says he's very sorry and asks Brad for forgiveness at this time.


Brad was not casting blame, merely making an observation and stating an opinion. Brad found that remark quite funny, Dino.

It doesn't really bother me when folks write that way, but if they talk that way, then we've got a problem.

Bod Dole knows Bob Dole...

(Dean- ROTFL!)

This is a very good point, Brad. I have been guilty of this on our web site. (In fact I don't think I've gone back and changed any of the sections were I did that, so they are probably still there.)

Kris does a quick search of Joel's archives...

I think I know whose letter you're referring to, because I got it too.
My wife says it's not Christmas until she sees the newsletter from RLH.


While he is a repeat offender, I am not singling anybody out. Many, if not all, of the Christmas letters we get are written in this style.

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