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I was talking to Mike about something or another and he commented "you do like your privacy, don't you?"

This got me thinking. True, I do like my privacy. But at the same time, I enjoy writing this weblog, which is obviously in the public domain. I think most people that blog have some filtering in place - you can learn some things about me from this weblog but if that's your only reference you're getting an incomplete picture, and I think that's pretty typical.

Later Mister P and I were discussing the topic, and I asked the question "Why do I have a weblog, anyway?"

Mister P shot right to the heart of the matter, providing an answer that was insightful and dead-on:

"Because you like to hear yourself talk."

Damn. He nailed it.


Of course, the reason why I have a blog is that other people like to hear me talk.

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