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Labor Day

On Labor Day we joined what seemed like all of Los Angeles county:

The surf is definitely up.

Yup, we went to the beach. It was pretty busy.

One of the things that Cameron has been wanting to do is try out one of the four-seater bicycle/surrey thingies that you can rent. It seemed like a fun idea and we decided to give it a try.

Not pictured:  Katy the Intrepid Right-Side Engine.

It was not quite what I would call "fun." I think "really hard work" would be a better description. Here's one reason why:

Feet that do not reach.

The kids couldn't reach the pedals. Katy (aka "Right Side Engine/Copilot") and I ("Left Side Engine/Pilot") had to do all the work. Thanks to the deadly combination of small drive wheels, vast vehicular weight, gentle hills, and free-riding back seaters, there was much huffing and puffing going on. If you add in the 15 minute break at a playground area, I think we may have used 45 minutes of our one hour rental. At that point I would have willingly paid them double to turn it in early.


been there. It is not nearly as much fun as you make it sound ;)

I'm sure they had a great time...

"Keep pedaling, Daddy!"

A strong and powerful woman like you can't even pedal a bicycle for a half hour?

A bicycle? Yes. A Yugo? No.

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