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I Am Doomed

Today when Katy was walking the kids to school something interesting happened.

She was saying goodbye to Claire outside the fenced-in playground when two boys started shouting her name from inside. They raced to the fence, still clamoring for her attention.

According to Katy, she walked over to the fence, said "Hi," and then stepped back and did that "dip-your-chin-to-the-shoulder-smile-bat-your-eyes" routine you ladies do so well.

Already, the boys are chasing after her. And she's flirting back!

I am so screwed.


You are actually lucky. I have that x2! Welcome to my world. The other day my 4 year old came home and told us that one of the boys in her class is going to think about if she is his girl friend or not. FOUR YEARS OLD!

Have they brought home any fundraiser stuff yet? Mine is... He's calling every relative on the planet...

Oh, and by the way, if you'd like to buy something, visit http://all4kidsinc.com/catalogs (the Oklahoma book) and feel free to let me know what you'd like... ;-)

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