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New All-Time Leading Scorer

The kids had their first soccer matches this weekend.

Everybody played hard and had fun. Cameron scored late in his match and Claire made some great saves in goal during hers.

With this score, Cameron shoots to the top of the family All-Time Leading Scoring Chart. (By family here I mean nuclear family. I played soccer for many years but never scored any goals, as I was primarly a defensive player.)


Two things:
1) AYSO doesn't keep score. Goal doesn't count.
2) A joke about you never scornig in high school is left as an exercise for the reader.


1. Goal counts. However, the goal is worth zero points. (Or 1/100th of a point - that's what I tell the kids in practice.)
2. I wondered how long it would be before somebody took the easy shot. Seven days. I guess my readership is down / apathetic / both.

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