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The Old Guys Got It Right

Last Friday at lunch, Mike, Mike, Pat, and Yoshi indulged me in my latest cockamamie idea.

We all went to the park for lunch - brown bag or takeout. After we ate, we played bocce. I smoked a cigar. It was a little warm but quite nice in the shade, which was plentiful.

When I described it to one of the guys in the office who hadn't been able to join us I realized that it sounded like an Old Man Lunch.

The Old Men are on to something here. It was great! Hopefully I can talk the guys into doing it again.


How did you come up with bocce?

We have a bocce set that had been sitting idle in the closet for a loooooooong time.

I spent many happy hours at LMU playing bocce at my work study job (rented out sporting and camping equipment -- basically paid to study). I have fond memories of bocce and good friends, so thanks for bringing them back to me with your entry.

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