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Blog Doldrums

I got nothin'.


Some of the most exciting baseball games EVAR and you got nothin'?

I know it wasn't the beloved Angels but man was it good!!

What about the Red Sox curse? I am surprised the baseball games have not teased your writing skills into action. Is your first parent-teacher conference coming up soon? What about the election? Any Halloween plans for the crew? What kind of costumes are you making for the twins? Watching Desparate Housewives? Lost? or anything else on TV? You need to write so I can be entertained... How about some more Train adventures????? Get to work!

Good grief... I wish I had such enthusiastic women in MY life!

Because you are nothing! ;-)

Y'see, this Movable Type - bleh. Yer old posts keep falling off.
Mine stay up forever and ever.

Two kids....you got nothin'. Not possible!

Oh, I got plenty o' nuttin', An' nuttin's plenty fo' me. I got no car, got no mule, I got no misery.

> DuBose Heyward & Ira Gershwin

You think you got nothin'? I can't even think of a comment.


I think that's the funniest thing you've said in twenty years.

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