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Please Hold

Things are a little crazy this time of year. Who has time to blog?

Here's a little link for you to check out though - the 2004 winners of the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest.

My favorites from this year are these little gems:

Stamp, stack, stamp, stack, stamp, stack, Rodney was going insane from the monotony of the job and the cruel irony of being guest of the New Hampshire penal system forced to read the words over and over: "Live Free or Die," "Live Free or Die," "Live Free or Die."
Maynard Fimble was told that "you can't compare apples and oranges," but, he thought, they are both eatable, grow on trees, are about the same size, are good for you, have a peel, come in many varieties, and are approximately round in shape, thus, to his horror and guilt, he realized that he was comparing them and wondered what punishment awaited him and on whose order.

Read. Enjoy. More later.