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Shaping The Cakes

Katy was up to her usual shenanigans the other day, making Christmas tree shaped pancakes for the kids. After scarfing down the first batch, Cameron made a request: Ornament-shaped pancakes. With hooks.

And so Katy delivered:

Ornament shaped pancakes

They flipped well too

Flush with this success, she turned to me and asked "And what shape would you like your pancakes in? Perhaps a nativity scene?"

I threw down the gauntlet. "How about some Rockettes?"

Skinny lady cakes

Never mind the club foot


Ok, so one of them has a club foot, if you're in the mood to criticize - but when somebody makes you Rockette-shaped pancakes, I personally would encourage you to shut up and eat.


Wow... that's way cool...

Cookie Puss!

(east coast thing)

It's usually McDonald's around our house.

You are one lucky bastad!

I'll be damned

Your wife never ceases to amaze me!!

I'm more than impressed, I'm envious!

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