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All The Other Bloggers Are Doing It

It seems popular amongst my blogging friends to post pictures of broken and badly bruised toes.

Well, it's my turn.


At some point in my marathon training - I think it was the 18 mile run - I bruised my toe. Now it's better, but the nail is completely purple. I am waiting for it to fall off. I think it will hurt. I am being extra super careful with it - pulling on my socks carefully, not walking around barefoot - because I don't want to tear it off prematurely. I'm cringing just thinking about it.

By the way, the doctor says I correctly diagnosed my knee problems. I'm on a heavy course of anti-inflammatories for a while, and I'm supposed to stretch a lot. Let's hope that helps.


Thanks for washing your feet before taking a pic. But you need to trim the nail on your little toe... ;-)

It seems odd that the middle toe would be the one having problems. Should it be one of the end ones? Sheesh, you can't even injure yourself right.

Two words: Sports Pedicure

Just let it fall off on it's own, it will happen eventually and there will be a brand spanking new one underneath!

A full-length new one? Really?

Well, most of one, enough to cover the quick of the nail bed. At least in my experience that has been the case.

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