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I Don't Get It

Today at lunch something new happened. I was out with three other people from the office, and we had a nice meal.

When the check came I put in some cash. The other three people put in credit cards, and proceeded to make the server run three credit card slips, each for 1/4 of the amount of the check plus tip. I was taken aback by this brazen presentation of multiple credit cards for one check.

I say that's a bit much to ask of the server. Am I wrong? Is this the New Way to handle group checks?


While it is more work, can be done in about two minutes, however, one should consider such efforts when rendering the tip

Even back in the day when I managed restaurants, it was easy to separate checks for multiple types of payment. Its easier, yes, to not have to do it, but especially at lunch only a really green & poorly trained waiter wouldn't be prepared to split tickets at lunch ahead of time. Don't feel guilty...just do it! :)

PS This is part of how waiters earn tips...its the service factor, don't 'cha know.


Alternatively, if you go out regularly with the same bunch of people, you could all take turns picking it up. This only works if everyone usually orders about the same amount each time so that it all comes out in the wash eventually.

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