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Fists Clenched, Arms Raised

I just got back from a whopping 2.5 mile run.

I couldn't make it around my entire 3.5 mile loop. If you ask why I cut it short, I'll tell you "because the dog was with me and she seemed to be tiring," but that's not the whole story. Two-plus months without a run is a bigger part. I'm winded, my lungs are burning, my heart is tripping like a jackhammer, and my thigh muscles are tightening up while I sit here and type this.

But you know what? There's no pain whatsoever in my right knee.

This is bringing me a special kind of euphoria. I'm back, baby! Bring it on!


You rock! All you need to do is get back up to 5 miles so you can do a lap for the Jimmy Stewart Relay Marathon. Actually, better make that 2 laps since you owe us one from last year.

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