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Train Strain

I have been riding to and from work for the past couple weeks without paying.

The other day the sheriff's deputies came through the car checking tickets. When they asked me for mine, I told them they couldn't see it, and to back off. They threatened me with a citation and I got belligerent.

The next thing you know, I'm face down on the aisle of the car, screaming "I Smell BACON!" while the two deputies cuffed me and dragged me to the door. They radioed ahead to the next station and when the train pulled in I did the perp walk past the gawking crowd to the hard plastic back seat of a waiting cruiser.

Katy finally came and bailed me out after leaving me to cool down in the holding tank for most of the day. I'm not really sure what came over me there. I guess I'm just a Criminal at heart.

Okay, okay, perhaps I embellished the story a little bit.

The truth?

I did ride for a week using an expired 10-trip ticket. I did finish using all the expired rides on Wednesday evening. There was a sheriff checking tickets on Thursday morning, the first day I started using my new non-expired ticket. I had my ticket out to show her as she approached and she thanked me as she went by. There was a person (not me) getting a ticket in the train station parking lot that morning, presumably for speeding. People really fly up the road on the way to the train station, you know. So do you think I can get a book deal?


I'll submit it to Mrs. Russell and see what she says...

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