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Michelle Kwan

I feel badly for Michelle Kwan.

I know how angry and disappointed I was when I got hurt and decided not to compete in the marathon I was training for last fall. And that was nothing - just some middle-aged doof trying to cover the distance in a semi-respectable time. This is the Olympics. I can only imagine how she feels.

Right now I have a tremendous amount of respect for her.

Update: I've been thinking about this all day. I've come to the conclusion that this was the second-best possible outcome of these Olympics for her. Obviously it would have been huge if she won the gold medal, but stepping down now - gracefully - has to be better than finishing 12th next week and letting the second-guessing begin.


You are not allowed to refer to yourself as middle-aged until your 40th birthday.

...but you may refer to yourself as a doof.

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