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What A Deal

When it comes to universities, what distinguishes hallowed institutions of higher learning from mere diploma mills? What single word sets the former apart from the latter?


Let's face it - if you have a degree from a non-accredited school, you might as well just print up your diploma in Photoshop. Or so the accredited universities would have you believe. Most accredited schools go through frequent evaluations to maintain this status.

As this status seems to be core to the identity and mission of any university, you would think that the members of a university's independent accreditation committee would be compensated for participating in this critical work.

However, you might be surprised at the level of compensation offered. I have a friend who is serving on the accreditation committee for a large eastern state school. The job involves the review of a year's worth of faculty studies and reports - several three ring binders of paper - followed by a week of on-site meetings, culminating in the preparation of the committee's report.

For this effort he will receive - in addition to travel expenses - $50.

I'm not making this up.


Maybe they will grant him an honorary degree

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