Both of my knees hurt when I walked in the door from my run this morning. It was only a short outing - four miles - but they were sore.
Am I worried? Not really.
They hurt because I spent five minutes crawling around on the concrete looking for my house key, which I dropped walking up to my front door. I was looking at the paper so I didn't see where it bounced/landed, and since the kids didn't have school today I didn't want to risk waking anybody up banging on the door.
What could I do? Even if the family had been awake, I can hardly leave a key to the front door laying around in the flower beds, now can I? So I nosed around until I found it. Bronzish door keys blend in surprisingly well with last summer's creeping fig leaves.
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"Bronzish door keys blend in surprisingly well with last summer's creeping fig leaves."
This is so William Carlos Williams.